Audio streaming now officially allowed in EMMA competitions


Due to the fact that more and more requests about audio streaming reached EMMA we did now Change the according rule to the following:

The media sources provided by EMMA are:
• Audio CD all categories
• MP3 all categories
• AAC all categories
• WAVE all categories

The source to be used for the judging process has to be provided by EMMA.

Streaming of media is allowed for the judging process if requested by the competitor.  The media and the streaming device will be provided by EMMA. The competitor is responsible that the systems source unit will connect to the provided unit (Smartphone, Tablet etc)

If a local copy of media is necessary for the judging process, the competitor has to make it possible that the EMMA SQ judge can copy the files to the competitors unit.
After finishing the judging procedure the files will be deleted.

It is up to the competitor to ensure that one of the provided formats can be reproduced in their car media system.
Note: The EMMA Tracks are under the copyright of EMMA GmbH and any copy without authorisation is illegal.

This rule is valid from now on and will be added to the Addendum.