Benelux Championships at AHOY Rotterdam

The last EMMA competition in AHOY is already 7 years ago. In 2010 Rotterdam hosted the EMMA-Eurofinals. The atmosphere during this event was always great and the competitors have nice memories when they think about this location

As EMMA-Benelux we were therefore delighted that Ahoy approached us in July to organise a competition. The time to organize was really short. We decided to mix this event and the nationals to one big event. A large field of participants with multiple nationalities was the target.

With publication of this event less than a month for taking place, we are very pleased that there were  60 competitors. They were coming from Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK and Denmark, even some newcomers. Judges came from Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.

By AHOY, there  were restrictions for the noise level. A few times a day,  the competitors could make demos. ( When the demo’s were made the hall was shaking on its foundations.

All the judgements went well  and the finals for ESPL and ESQL took place as scheduled  on Sunday. In between there were little games for the visitors, like building together a trophee, which turned out more difficult than you would imagine. The price ceremony took place like scheduled. Thanks to the efforts of the Juryteam as well as the back office.  Ronald van Looij, the President of EMMA-Benelux, was humble for the work and effort the complete team did. The winners of the event got a nice trophy. The Dutch and Belgian Champions received a second championship trophy. At 5pm a nice event came to the end.

Emma-Benelux hopes to organize a contest in Ahoy again next year and will do everything to make this possible. We hope to meet you all again next year.

Congratulations to all the winners.