Nice & Tasty Event in Borken

borken3 A classic event took its next stage, the Audio Destination Sound off in Borken/Germany and it was a culinaric festival for all guests. The AD Shop owners, David, Andi and Iris organized finest food in several corses with salads, burgers, steaks, saussages and so on and of course the famous sweet wafers. The guests indeed were responsible for bringing specialities from their origin and so it came out that Borken was the place with the highest amount of bavarian beer in North Germany on August 3 and 4. Because of the very close border to the Netherlands also many friends from EMMA Benelux came over to compete aned celebrate. borken2So whenever you´re close by and are searching for a real family Sound off choose this one. In total over 30 SQ competitors came to this Sound off and it was the fith Sound Off of EMMA Germany with an higher amount of participants compared to the previous year. Find all Infos at



