Biggest Opel Car meeting in Germany


End of May 22 000 Opel and Vauyhall cars drove to the Oschersleben DTM Race track near Magdeburg in East Germany to meet and party. As one point of the huge program EMMA again managed a Sound Off right beside the Burn Out Area. 62 competitors came to attend and enjoy a really smooth competition and get together. It was – not for the first time – just the weather which was a special challenge do deal with. Cold wind, Temperature around 9° Celsius and rain in between made the Sound Off a kind of Winter session. But never the less the EMMA Team organized a party and even in the heavy rain and since the grill was fired and the beer was cold everyone had a fantastic time. Within the competition cars the judgeteam found some extrodinary good sounding ones and it looks that a hard fight in many classes is coming up for the next events in Germany. Anyway it was a great time with almost 60 000 guests and an increasing amount of EMMA participants.

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