EMMA international Events in Indonesia

The first official events of the new EMMA Indonesia management were successfully completed. The week was meticulously structured as there were three events in a row. The first item on the training agenda was a competitor …

EMMA China kicks off

From 26-28 February EMMA China kicked off and invited many guests from other Asian Countries At the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, everything was about CarMedia. EMMA China´s first round in was successfully organised …

EMMA Asia Finals Indonesia

The EMMA Asia Finals 2015 in Indonesia took place beside a wonderful Shopping mall in Jakarta. There were almost 50 cars participating in Asia Final this time and the judges saw …

EMMA Asia Finals China stage

The international Judge Team from Europe and Asia went on to judge leg 3 of this years Asia Final series. The plane brought them from the Philippines to Guangzhou in China.  During the …