PS Days in Hannover cancelled

Since the German Government has prohibited any kind of public event until August 31. 2020, we are sorry to inform you that we are forced to cancel EMMA’s participation at …

High Resolution Files available

The EMMA USB Stick with the High Resolution Files is now available at the EMMA Webshop at The USB Stick contains the competition tracks from the 2018 Competition Disc …

EMMA Eurofinals postponed

Much to our regrets we have to inform that the EMMA Eurofinals and the CarMediaWorld Salzburg will not take place on the estimated dates from March 20-22 at Messezentrum Salzburg. …

Twice as good!

For 20 years the EMMA competition recordings have been the ultimate benchmark for high quality music without commercial mastering. The EMMA recordings have been consistently produced with enormous effort to …

Big EMMA season opener in Salzburg

With the event-duo Eurofinals and CarMediaWorld, EMMA has added a meantime major essential component to the traditional Salzburg Auto Show, which attracts more and more visitors to the city of …

STEG becomes Global EMMA Partner

At the end of the eighties, Tiziano Giacomoni, young and dynamic passionate audio industry founded the company G.T. Electronics, devoting himself to the construction of audio amplifiers for automotive use …