EMMA China recently concluded its China Friendship Cup, culminating at the final stage in Shenzhen, China together with the largest aftermarket automotive show. Visitors from all over the world were in attendance, together with competitors from all 6 joining countries who competed for the Tuner Challenge. Top honors were given to Taiwan and Indonesia for tuner challenge, as they bested out all other countries during this side event.
Other highlights included CFC’s “King of Sound” category, a no rules barred category where only sound was judged, together with a competitors selected track (similar to ESQL). The category was very popular, with 92 cars entering the category. Singapore took home top honors through their entry by New Generation Autosound.
At the end of the day, the camaraderie displayed during the event is what mattered the most, as the EMMA family celebrated yet another success for the mobile media industry. CFC would like to again thank all it’s sponsors, and for our EMMA Affiliates for making it over to the event.
CFC is sponsored by Alphard, Olom, Audible Physics, Audio Wave, Focal, Jaws, Â Marriola, Mohawk, Power from Oxygen, QD Auto Damping, and Rock Power.
The next international multi-country event will be happening from October to November of 2017, together with the much anticipated EMMA Asia Finals.