EMMA Austria: Erdäpfelfest 2016 – Geras

Originally organized as a replacement event the EMMA Event during Erdäpfelfest Geras was a great success. Erdäpfelfest translates somehow to “Potato Festival” – a street food festival with all kinds of meals made with or from potatoes in the (really) small town of Geras – at the far northern border of Austria. Therefore also other countries can be found on the results list: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. OK, Poland has no border to Austria these days, but anyhow – one competitor took the challenge. The SQ starters took once again the opportunity to have their setups checked. In ESPL many new competitors gained qualification points for the EMMA Austria Championship. (Cialis)

The 5th event of the season was also the reason why the 5th ESPL Track “Radius” was played. Even the first measurements were not very promising, the 140dB mark was cracked very soon. The top value of 151,9dB (peak – closed) was played by Wurm Markus from Team CZ Audio. Some specialty which is done in Austria is, that the second ESPL value is the average value during the 30 measurement. In other words, each competitor is encouraged to play the maximium in that timeslot. Can you imagine to sit in a car playing music with a average of 140,6 dB? Austrian compitors do!

After consultation with the organizer also ESQL was offered. Here experienced the EMMA BackOffice a surprise, because 13 participants entered that format and making ESQL-M Cat the largest class of the event. By the way: the trophy for ESQL remains in Geras, because the local Kielmayer Bernhard from Team Different Sounds won with a narrow margin of 0.2 points.

During the price giving cermony, the organizer thanked for hosting the EMMA event at festival and announced the will to repeat the EMMA event next year.

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