EMMA Danish Finals 2016

Again at Morten Lykkegaard’s summerhouse by the sea. Lots of cars and wonderful people. Competitions in SQ, ESPL, MM and ESQL. The weather was at it’s best and a barbeque was set for lunch.

After the price ceremony there was food and drinks and an afterparty into the night. No pictures from the party!

Our host, Morten Lykkegaard is now a new judge for Denmark. Thanks to Morten, Rene and Andreas for judging. Thanks also to sponsors with great prices to the winners in all categories. FTZ Aabenraa,

Auto G Aabenraa, Super dæk Aabenraa, Klaus (Hilmar Audio), and Indslev brewery. Last but not least, thanks to all the competitors for beeing there.

This was the last competition this year. Now looking foreward to the Eurofinals in March and a new season.

In addition to the competition there were three extra prices:

Best Install: Ole Thygesen, old school petrol companies in trunk.

Rene Dut Karstens: Highest dB: 133,7 dB.

Best of Sound: Andreas Henriksen: 279 points.


DM 2016
Class Place Name Install SQ Total
E €3000 1 Kim Lehmkuhl 55 237 292
E €3000 2 Patrick Andersen 55 219 274
S OEM 1 Steffen H. Schmidt 105 234 339
S €4000 1 Ole Thygesen 105 251 356
S €4000 2 Christian Bejerholm 105 240 345
S €4000 3 Rasmus Christensen 105 233 338
S UNL. 1 Jesper Andersen 102 225 327
M €5000 1 Mads Nyegaard 135 268 403
M €5000 2 Rene Dut Karstens 131 252 383
M €5000 3 Poul Olesen 126 251 377
M €5000 4 Morten Lykkegaard 94 0 94
M UNL. 1 Andreas Henriksen 135 279 414
Class Place Name Install SQ/Picture Total
S MM 2.1 1 Andreas Henriksen 105 179 284
Class Place Name Install SQ dB Total
ESQL 1 Ole Thygesen 55 121 127,3 303,3
ESQL 2 Andreas Henriksen 55 119 118,9 292,9
Class Place Name Install Closed Open Total
ESPL E T-2W 1 Rene Dut Karstens 55 127,9 133,7 316,6
ESPL E T-2W 2 Bjørn Skov Hansen 53 126,1 128,7 307,8
ESPL E T-4W 1 Max C. Madsen 55 121,8 126,2 303,0


Class Place Name Install SQ Bonus
X LIMITED 1 Max C. Madsen 192 240 432

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