EMMA Denmark gains speed

End of May on a windy Saturday, was the first EMMA event in Denmark was held, with an all new lineup of judges and changes to rules for 2018 season. This event was held in Middelfart by our sponsor Au2tek.dk, together with a big car show.

Many new entrants found their way to the EMMA part of the car show, and there was even time at the end of the day to make some SPL measurements for non-participants. We think we might have some new members in the future.

We also did our first Danish EMMA tuning judgement, and it is indeed interesting, and we want to have more competitions in this category.

ESQL has increasing interest from our ESPL competitors, and they have rebuilt their systems during the winter to play both loud and great sounding, we love.

In total 13 diplomas was handed over to competitors, along with Hertz and Audison merchandise from Au2tek.dk

EMMA Denmark would like to thank our sponsor Au2tek.dk for hosting this event, and the new Gazebo we received as a gift.