EMMA Germany kicked off

The Season in Germany started at the biggest Opel Meeting with over 10 000 cars at the Oschersleben Racetrack near Magdeburg. Even if this is huge event the last year haven´t been too successful in terms of EMMA competition. But this time there was a huge increase in numbers of participants on the 2019 Kick Off. Even guests from the UK found their way to participate. The weekend started on Friday with a get together Barbecue for all friends and team of EMMA. The competition itself was going on the complete Saturday and after the ceremony a complete High End Audio System was given to a newcomer from Bonn. The Audio System was powered by Pioneer, Gladen, Match, ACV, Vibrofiltr and Zapco and had a retail value of 1500 Euro. So Mr.Rosenfeldt, the winner stated that he will install all the components and come to the event in Borken in August to compete. Afterwards the rest of the team continued the get together until the big fireworks which is closing the event in Oschersleben every year.