On 20th of November a Team from EMMA Europe fly to Indonesia to arrange a two days Judge Training for EMMA Judges. 33 Installers, dealers and other car audio related audience attended the training and learned how to work with the EMMA CD and the Rulebook. EMMA CEO Alex Klett together with Volker Simmer from Germany gave explanations and detailed information about the material on the EMMA CD and how to work with the CD while Judging. The explanation of the installation part was done by Mr. Werner Rothschopf from Austria who was the working group leader for the 2012 EMMA Rulebook. In addition representatives from German Maestro, Tchernov Audio and the Indonesian EMMA Sponsor Dominations showed their latest products and the usability of them.
Most of the time has been spent with intensive practical training on 5 different cars representing all the different EMMA formats. Throughout these practical lessons all questions could be answered and the Judges are now perfectly prepared for the next EMMA season in Indonesia and all Asia.