In Jakarta HIN EMMA competition which took place at JCC Hall B on November 30 to December 1, 2013, participants vied with each other to obtain a ticket to the Final EMMA Indonesia. Well, EMMA-HIN is an official contest for car audio enthusiasts and each winner 1, 2 and 3 got the golden ticket to the EMMA Indonesia finals to be held in February 2014. No doubt the participants from Bali, Surabaya and Lampung took part in this event. For this event there was 40 cars who compete to take home the trophy and ticket to EMMA Indonesia Final. And sound quality judges in charge in this event is Mr. Diyoy Cabahug from Philippine and Mr. Sanit Noraheem from Thailand. For installation judges in charge is Mr. Paulus from Jakarta and Mr. Kevin Keegan from Surabaya. Congratulation for all winner and see you in final…