Emma Japan’s very first Competitors and Judge training will take place on 21-22 May 2013, the venue is located in Shizuoka Prefecture.
The 2 days training will expect to see near to 100 participant, mostly installers of the industry with some music lovers will join the trainers from Singapore “Mr Terence Nah , Mr Daryl Ong & Mr Elson Lee” for this 2 days.
The competitors training will emphasize on giving the competitors details and how to compete with the rules, Sound quality training will be by Mr Daryl Ong and Elson Lee and Installation Training will be by Mr Terence Nah.
The Judge training will be providing the knowledge of scoring using the Emma rules, with practical training using demo cars.
Emma Competitors Training Venue :
Numazu Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Numazu, Shizuoka- prefecture, Japan
Emma Judge Training Venue :
Numazu Wholesales Trading Center
Numazu, Shizuoka-prefecture, Japan
This training is organised by “JCACA” (Japan Car Audio Competition Association) ,this is an training not to be missed.