EMMA Judge Training 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia

ETJ2015eEMMA Indonesia has been successful presented EMMA Judge Training 2015, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Located in Meeting Room Ibis Styles Hotel Mangga 2 Square, Central Jakarta, on May 18-19, 2015. For this two days training, all trainers with tittle Head Judges, such as Wahyu Tanuwidjaja, Roland Siahaan, Chandra Budiman, and we used co-trainers as Filipus Sebastian and Erwin Sugiharto who assist regarding SQ, Multimedia, ESQL, IQ during practical session.


FYI, this event was not only judge training but also we had a schedule for Mic RTA and TermLab Magnum Training and share information regarding car accessories industry on I-CAN meeting. Total 31 participant joined EMMA Judge Training and we appreciated to our sponsors support for this event. Many sponsors can help to run for this training, such as Venom, Phoenix Gold, Genetic, Focal, Hurricane XCS 3, Sinfoni, Dominations, Blaupunkt, TermLab Magnum, Bosmobil.com and SoundAndMachine.com

ETJ2015fAll participant very enthusiast because this year, the judge training content more vary due to another training RTA and SPL Meter. They very happy after got the certification in end of the day, they also got another surprised because each person got 1pc of headunit Blaupunkt Manchester 110 from Blaupunkt Indonesia.

Members of EMMA Judge Training 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia.
1. Johny Chandra/Mega Audio-Jakarta
2. Mulyadi (Ayau)/Venom Gallery By Audioworks-Jakarta
3. Kimsen/SomeSound Venom-Jakarta
4. Leonardi/Linear AutoSound-Tangerang
5. Mulantono/Simple Audioworkshop-Tangerang
6. Reza A.P/KAY Audioworkshop-Cianjur
7. Andreas Surja/Soundgenic-Tangerang
8. Ameng/Meng’s Audio-Medan
9. Boy/Audio Creations-Jakarta
10. Markus/CSS Audio-Jakarta
11. Eddie Soesanto/Cartens Autosound-Jakarta
12. Rochim/CAS-Jakarta
13. Suyanto (Mr.CUM)/Auto Sound Gallery-Makassar
14. Hongyono Chandra/Prisma Autosound-Jakarta
15. Edwin Effendi/Subur Audioworkshop-Purwokerto
16. Rudyanto/Banoli Audio-Kebumen
17. Justinus/Auto G-Semarang
18. Afung/Best Buddy Shop-Jakarta
19. Deddy Surjadi/Element Audio-Jakarta
20. Muhammad S. Hotama/Vinz Audio-Bekasi
21. Enrico/Platinum-Cirebon
22. Mulyadi/Dynamics Autosound-Jakarta
23. Indra Adrianto/Jakarta
24. Tom Hietaharju/Finland
25. Boy/MobilInaNews.com
26. Erwan Molek/SoundAndMachine.com
27. Boyke/Blaupunkt
28. Adam Chandra/Phoenix Gold
29. Herlianto Kartika/Phoenix Gold
30. Johnson Nagawan/Focal Indonesia
31. Jarun/Dominations

Thank you for everyone, see you to the next EMMA Judge Training.

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