EMMA Russia starts Season in St. Petersburg

The 2017 Kick Off event of the Russian EMMA on April 7/8 was located at a for EMMA Historical place, the CKK Center where the 2003 European Finals were hosted. Around that huge hall an international team welcomed the 65 competitors who found their way through the Russian “spring” with snow and 1° plus. Never the less the mute was good and when the judging started, the snowfall stopped. During the days the weather became slightly better and the almost 15 000 Visitors of the Autoworldexpo could experience the quality of the EMMA competitor´s cars. Many of them showed their very loud system and earned astonished compliments by the audience for that. Russia is still one of the countries with the craziest ideas about modifying cars and the according Sound Systems.

The day before the events started with an intensive discussion about the use of the EMMA Rules and the consequences of the experience from 2016 including the Salzburg Euro finals. A very constructive meeting in between Judges and Head Judges where many ideas were born also for the upcoming Rulebook and CD 2018. In the afternoon EMMA Russia brought the international guests to Petergof, a famous historical park with churches and castle to be able to experience the great Russian culture. The friendly hospitality of the Russian friends was very welcome by the guest from Finland and Germany. All hoped that sometime there will be a possibility to give something back, at latest on next Year´s Euro final.