Summer festival at EMMA Head office rolled into a big Party

nm2The meantime 10th edition of the EMMA competition at the EMMA Head-Office in Neumarkt/Germany gave even one more reason to celebrate and party: it coincided with the 20 Years anniversary of EMMA CEO Peters Fuhrman’s shop Xplus1. The weather was just amazingly good, which was one major reason that the whole day turned out as a remarkable fantastic event. Until 10:00 in the morning the area around the building was bursting with cars from Turkey, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, UK and of course Germany. In total 93 participants on a one day event! This is a new record in Germany. The Judge team was also international – and highly professional being ready in time at 6 o´clock. The ceremony in the installation hall was an emotional highlight followed by a real furious party. In the time between the completion of judging and the ceremony the Italian friends prepared some unbelievable good appetizers, which they brought from their country. Furthermore Peter´s team arranged a Bavarian suckling pig from the grill as main course. The response from the foreign guests was 100% positive and not only few of them are now considering to participate at the German Nationals in September in Frankfurt. A great day in Bavaria!

nm3For the EMMA Team and the EMMA partners the event already started the day before with the EMMA Summer Industry Meeting. This is traditionally the place where the industry representatives meet to discuss general issues and cooperative strategies. EMMA CEO Alex Klett presented dates and facts about the first half of the year and gave a perspective of what is coming up in the next months until spring 2014. Carsten Friedrich from mediamobile explained their brand new data services via DAB+ in Germany and Europe, Martina Hürbinger from Gfk painted some encouraging numbers on the screen and explained why the bottom of the mobile electronics downwards trend is almost reached and which segments can even see a slight growth of business. Also the Leipziger Messe showed their outlook for the AMI/AMICOM 2014 where many new things are already projected. One decision was done in the afternoon: After negotiating with several European exhibitions without coming to a proper result it was decided to host the EMMA Eurofinals again in Salzburg in March 2014 together with the international Head Judge Seminar.

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