EMMA Sweden opens season

The first competition of the year is done. Sweetspot, a Hi-Fi fair in Jönköping, invited us to a great event. Hi-Fi in car or at home is really the same interest with the only difference where you sit and listen.

On Saturday we had our judge training with 12 participants. René Krosse was invited from Germany to attend the education together with Henrik and Patrik Johannesson.

During the Sunday we had the competition where the judges exercised their new skills. Everything was really good during the day and it did not get worse by a fantastic weather. Many new participants were in place for their first competition, hope you are happy with the day.

Thanks to Björn on Sweetspot for driving our Kick-Off with you! And a big thanks to René, always nice when you visit us! And a big thank you to judges and participants, without you, we have no business!

You can find pictures here!

The results are found here!

Then we look forward to the next competition, which is the 5th of May at Ljudbyggaren in Hyllinge.