EMMA UK had fun at the USC

On the first weekend of August 2015 EMMA UK arranged the Round 4 of the annual competition season together with the “ Ultimate street cars” Tuning event. Together with 12 000 vehicles and 30 000 visitors the competitors, judges and guests had a great time during the days at the USC sharing the EMMA community added with international guests from Hungary and Germany. A premiere was the Multi Media category which was provided first time in the UK and the winner showed a high quality with over 20 points advantage to the second place. To judge this category EMMA UK even invited an international Multi Media Head Judge from Germany. In total 68 cars came to compete at the USC which is a very good number in the high summer time and some of them started already preparing for the next Eurofinals in Salzburg March 2016. EMMA UK is the Hot Spot for all the enthusiasts of Car Media as well as for having fun on an international level. Some members of the Team UK already announced to come for the German Nationals on September 5/6 to Berlin for having fun and meet friends.

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