International Head Judge Seminar 2015

18. March 2015 – 19. March 2015 all-day
Messe Salzburg
Am Messezentrum
5020 Salzburg
159.- Euro
Alexander Klett
+49 172 81 55 145


hjt14The 2015 intl. Head Judge Seminar will be again at the Salzburg fairground from March 18 to March 19, 2015 and is a two days educational session on the actual Rulebook and CD. The participants will be educated to become official international EMMA Head Judges or to be updated. The registration of participants must be confirmed by the official National EMMA affiliate. The Location is the Salzburg Fair (Messezentrum) where also the Eurofinals will take place March 20- 22. The beginning of the Training lessons is daily 9°° and will end at about 18°°

The training fee is 159,00 € and includes:

2x  times Lunch
CD/Rulebook in englisch
according Judgebooks
1 EMMA Shirt
1 Dinner on March 19 for the certificate ceremony

Main themes of the training
Practical training for old and new Head Judges
EMMA CD Mixing Engineer Alex Pleines will be there on Thursday for training
Preview on Rulebook and CD 2016

Please note that everyone shall take care about his/her accommodation. EMMA is not arranging any complete Service package this time.

>> Subscribe for the intl. HJT 2015