From theory to practice: International EMMA jurors received Head Judge Certificate in Salzburg

Car audio enthusiasm, combined with expertise and perfectionism makes car audio fans become EMMA judges! Each year EMMA judges from nearly all EMMA nations meet to qualify and appoint as an international Head Judge.

The meeting point for the three-day head judge training program was once again the exhibition center in Salzburg, which has already become a traditional location for a concentrated EMMA presence. Together with the EMMA Eurofinals, the CarMediaWorld exhibition and the Head Judge Training, the occasion in Salzburg offers a great companion program to go from theory into practice and experience cars, sound and the EMMA community over a whole long weekend.

A special THANK YOU! goes to the training manager Chris Koerbel from EMMA Germany for the perfect organization of the education program. He has thoroughly accompanied the training and certification, successfully realized by the experienced install judges Ketil Skeji (Norway), Gennady Litvin (Russia), Ivan Locci (Italy), the sound specialists Costas Christopoulous (Greece), Reinier Wolf (Netherlands), Volker Simmer Germany), Matteo Pincciroli (Italy) and Valery Selichev (Russia). Thank you all for your dedicated work!

Special thanks goes also to ESPL, ESQL & Emma Racing trainers Marc Ayes (Philippines), Ronald van Loij (Netherlands), and Alois Preis (Germany) to the multi-media trainers Bjoern Makinen (San Marino), Lars Neuper (Germany) as well as to Karel Wolf for the dedicated training in all matters of backoffice organization.

Congratulations to all Head Judges – we wish you a successful, fun filled sound off season!