Genetic Foss – Deliver High End Products At Affordable Prices

The slogan above is our mission since Genetic-Foss debuted in 2002 which originally started from a hobby. Genetic-Foss currently stands alone on a field that is more focused and grew into a manufacturer of car audio products that always puts quality and of course at competitive prices.

With the rapid development of technology, Genetic-Foss deliver products that always follow the trends and the latest technology, so we can compete to produce optimal performance.

Genetic-Foss operational development always strive in achieving the ideals of the company to management and employees in order to be guided to establish cooperation with the Dealer and Installer in supporting the promotion and provision of quality products, to have estabilished long-term cooperative relationship.

This would be one of our goals with EMMA to expand the network throughout Indonesia and became the most popular brand, with the hope to bring your high-end car audio system with affordable prices. These have also been demonstrated by winning several car audio competitions, including 1st place in Asia.

Genetic GT 4100


Of the various types of amplifiers on the market, the GT 4100 Genetic amplifier amplifiers offer different concepts of most amplifiers in its class, and has several advantages. namely:

First, the GT 4100 is designed with a strong character. A design will have a strong character if it is supported by the main function. The main function of the amplifier is to amplify the signal. Therefore, the amplifier Genetic GT 4100 is designed with the concept of a purely to amplify the audio signal as optimally as possible.

Second, the consequences of a pure amplifier design, the various features that do not support the amplification avoided, as it can affect the purity of the sound signal can degrade sound quality. Low pass and high pass crossover filter and subsonic filters are usually available as an amplifier features. Not available at this amplifier, because the electronic circuits of this crossover filters can affect the sound quality. By doing so, the space available in the amplifier casing just to put the initial amplifier components and circuit power supply.

Third, in accordance with the concept of pure amplifier, then the feature is available only features that support amplification, such as gain settings. In Genetic gain adjustment GT 4100 is available individually on each channel are available.

Fourth, by minimizing circuit which does not support amplification, the distortion that can affect the sound quality can be suppressed exhausted. Conversely, the distortion that can enhance the sound quality is maintained as second harmonic distortion. Second harmonic high that makes solid state amplifier Genetic GT 4100 is capable of producing sounds that air tube.

Fifth, amplifier design with a classic look that reflects classic amplifier concept that promotes the function of amplification and sound quality with high second harmonic.

Sixth, to the size of the amplifier, power amplifier 4 chanel Genetic GT 4100 is fairly compact dimensions. This is because the GT 4100 has a heatsink that is effective in removing heat from the work of the amplifier. Therefore, this amplifier is maintained stability while working to enlarge the low-level audio signal. Naturally, when the amplifier’s Genetic 4 channels capable of producing sounds that air tube but not so hot.

CST3 Dual Councentric


There are six dual concentric speakers awesomeness on this. First, the cone is used Genetic rely CST 3 ceramic material. This material has high rigidity index. Just to know, the rigidity index showed a combination of stiffness and lightness of the material.

Second, the conical stiffness will produce sound accuracy, while drought cone to obtain high sound sensitivity value. It is understandable if listening music sound speaker sprayed CST 3, we will be easy to get swept up in the atmosphere of the song.

Thirdly, with the tweeter is placed in the middle konusnya, make these speakers blend as fullrange speakers. Only difference, fullrange speakers susceptible to roll off at high frequency area. Dual concentric inillah technology solutions to overcome weaknesses fullrange speakers. As a result of dual concentric speaker’s response can reach a frequency of 100 Hz – 20 kHz, although from a 3-inch speakers.

Fourth, the tweeter position is in the middle of the speaker cone, making the arrival of the tweeter and mid unison sound to the ear. This is different from coaxial speakers, where the tweeter came first to the ear being the voice of the speaker midbassnya come later. This is why dual concentric known as a one point source technology. One point source technology easily achieve coherence between the two speakers sound. This is the most hunted the world auto installer.

Fifth, because underneath the frequency response can achieve 100Hz, then to get an impression of the music stage on the dashboard easily achieved.

Sixth, from the installation, especially the timber in the work of saving time than make two home mid and tweeter speakers.

Of all the advantages that should not be forgotten Genetic Dual Concentric CST 3 marketed at decent prices.r.

Prelude Dome Tweeter


There are several types of tweeters, including electrostatic tweeters and dome tweeter. Electrostatic tweeter speakers that rely on aluminum foil as a membrane generally produce better high frequency response, can reach 25kHz. The weakness in the lower part frequency response which also tend to be high so that his voice thin. Instead, dome tweeters generally have lower frequency response is better but the frequency response at the top tend to roll off at a frequency of 12-16 kHz, so the sound produced sounds stump.

Dome tweeter Genetic Prelude kicked off with a minor break the assumption of the dome tweeter. There are several advantages Genetic Prelude:

First, Genetic Prelude attractive design with a choice of materials that have long durability.

Secondly, Genetic Prelude is designed to produce a wider frequency response well below the response and the response it.

Third, for the upper frequency response, Genetic Prelude is capable of generating a frequency response above 16 kHz, even after 20kHz, new Prelude to experience the natural roll off. Therefore minor allegations against dome tweeter voice stump it is disproved by the Prelude.

Fourth, for the frequency response of the bottom, Prelude produce resonance frequency <Fs> reach 500Hz. This low value of Fs makes Prelude friends with any midbass speakers. This is because the response below 500Hz will be easy Prelude achieve cross-over with the midbass speakers usually have the upper frequency response of about 2 kHz to 8 kHz.

Fifth, from the choice of materials and a wide frequency response causes Genetic Prelude mid capable of producing sound weighty and airy. This is being pursued by the designer of the world’s top speakers, because generally they only faced with a choice; maximizing the top or bottom. Because the tweeter is capable of generating sound warm and airy, and dyanamic and soft, it was terrible!

RCA Cable Refference


Myth high end cables have to be expensive already disproved by the presence of RCA cables Genetic refference. It has been tested at the high end home audio enthusiasts. What are the advantages of this Refererence Genetic RCA cable.

First, Genetic Reference RCA cable construction relies RCA jacks of materials and wire silver rhodium coating of pure copper plated silver, and shieldingnya using mixed silk nylon material.

Second, the composition of the material used appropriately taken into account, both materials used silver, rhodium levels set forth for the selection of the coating material purity copper used. All the ingredients were blended into the wire to deliver the audio signal.

Third, all of the material composition that has become the wire combined with RCA head for proper lambda value calculated. That is why the length of the cable is so unique and varied.

However, the results of this cable ready pitted with any brand in the world and whatever expensive. Instead, the designers fisolofi cable “cable without a cable using a” manifest in the RCA cables Genetic refference. Which makes confusion, this cable is offered at a price that is very very competitive.