German EMMA Finals a cosy event

Due to the challenge to find a perfect location to host the German Finals EMMA Germany decided to organize the show around the Headquarter in Neumarkt. It sure was a bit adventurous to hold the final as an open air event in October – but the weather was just as amazingly fantastic as the job done by the judges. Starting at 10°° in the morning and completed at 17°° in the afternoon all 90 competitors were conscientiously judged. This fantastic job was done with the support of some Austrian friends who attended the German Nationals together with some of their competitors. The average level of the competitor´s cars was as expected high but in the end a couple surprises came out. Some of the season’s leading cars didn´t win the mastership title while other competitors tuned their sound systems to perfection prior to the Finals. In the end the best cars were winning and due to the fast judging progress lots of time was available to sound check all the fantastic cars. Furthermore it left space for starting the Party early in a cool location which was formally an old fabric building but is nowadays host of an elegant Italian Restaurant. EMMA rented the whole building for the almost 200 guests and organized a great party with an emotional ceremony in the end. In any way we can state out that EMMA´s season in Germany was a good one with a nice and cozy final in the end. Now all start to work for the Euros in March in Salzburg/Austria.

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