For the fourth time, the European Mobile Media Association (EMMA) will conduct the by end of 2014. This time, the competition will be conducted in seven different countries starting from Japan on 16th of November 2014 and having the final leg in Bangkok, Thailand on the 30th of November 2014. Based on the close relationship with EMMA globally and with the target to enlarge the support to the Asian car audio competition scene, Ground Zero has confirmed not only it´s attendance in all of the different seven locations but also to repeat the Main Sponsoring for this Year´s edition of the largest Asian CarMedia Competition.
“We are looking forward to enhance the car audio scene in Asian countries not only by GZ´s strong products for SQ, ESPL and ESQL but also with our continuous support to the competition itself” says Karl Lautner, GZ´s Founder and CEO which will even join all the seven competition legs himself this year. EMMA is glad to have such a positive relation and continuous support from an important CarMedia manufacturer.
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