After EMMA Judge Training, Jakarta, Indonesia, we got many input and ideas from partners to make a perfect of EMMA Sound Competition QR1-2015. Still now, in Indonesia, car audio market walking slow. But, we must optimistic for to increase car audio market in our country.
Our partners agreed to support and create a new customers (competitors) to come and compete with special class Low Budget under 2000euro. We called PSK Contest as well as Paket Siap Kontes or in English “Competition Ready Package”.
This competition “PSK SQ Contest” must use 2 way speaker component with EMMA Rules, category Experienced (Under 2000euro) judging SQ and IQ with a lot of car audio brand. But firstly the brand must register and submit their car audio system package to I-CAN (Indonesia Car Accessories Network) as committee. For special class competition, held in EMMA Indonesia collaboration with for publising and to make a big atmosfere and fun event.
After discussed with all partners, such as Venom, Blaupunkt, Hurricane, Genetic, Carpe-Diem, Phoenix Gold, German Maestro, Dominations, Focal and Pioneer. Meet up date May 29, 2015 at Pala Adas Restaurant in Jakarta. And we will create EMMA QR1 with some special thing including PSK SQ Contest. Wish we get luck…