Welcome to the international EMMA Event Calendar

Hello everybody,
We have the pleasure to announce the 10th edition of our EMMA Romania Iron Gates Cup, 10 years of car-lifestyle competitions in a superb zone, an ancient ruts town Drobeta Turnu Severin.
Why Iron Gates?
Because we are at the Danube side, at the boarder with Serbia (already have 2 Serbian competitors announced)…. and not so far of Bulgaria (maybe also somebody will join from here too…)… Portile de Fier I (Iron Gates I) being the biggest hydro-central on Danube and one of the largest hydro power plants in Europe.
2 days event
For more informations please feel free to contact us.
Avem deosebita placere de a anunta un eveniment EMMA Romania deosebit, organizat de Halloween, in ziua de Sambata, 31 Octombrie 2015!
Locatia: Parcarea Hipermarketului CORA din Drobeta Turnu Severin
*- Evenimentul se va desfasura in spatiu acoperit – cort, precum si in jurul acestuia.
Pentru inscrieri va rugam accesati link-ul:
We have the great pleasure to announce a special EMMA Romania competition, by Halloween, on 31th of October 2015.
The event starts at 10:00 on Saturday morning.
The location is …CORA Hipermarket Drobeta Turnu Severin – the big white tent!
For registration please follow the link below:

EMMA Romania invites the community to join the event in Bucharest Auto Show
Find more here (17) Facebook