Welcome to the international EMMA Event Calendar

EMMA Finland – season 2023, 6th round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends on 29.7.2023.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:
EMMA Finland – season 2023, 7th round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends 12.8.2023.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:
EMMA Finland – season 2023, Finnish finals
Finaalitapahtuma toista kertaa Lapualla Patruuna areenalla.
Tarjolla jälleen huippu äänentoistoa, hyvää seuraa ja hyvää ruokaa.
Lisätietoja tapahtumapaikasta www.patruunaareena.fi
Ilmottautuminen tapahtumaan julkaistaan myöhemmin
EMMA Finland – season 2024, kick-off
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends 11.5.2024.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:

Sunday, June 9th, it’s time for the first competition of 2024. Will you join us?
Registering in advance is appreciated so we can plan and organize everything on time. You can register via: Registration
Participation in the EMMA competitions costs €12.50 for the first class. Each additional class costs €10.
EMMA Finland – season 2024, 2nd round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends on 1.6.2024.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:
EMMA Finland – season 2024, 3rd round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends 15.6.2024.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:
EMMA Finland – season 2024, 4th round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends 29.6.2024.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:
EMMA Finland – season 2024, 5th round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends 13.7.2024.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:
EMMA Finland – season 2024, 6th round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends on 20.7.2024.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:

Just like last year, Emma Benelux will be present at Tuningday4all. This year’s anniversary edition is even bigger and better at the fantastic Pinkpop venue!
Registration for this competition is open and can be done via: Registration
Participation in the EMMA competitions costs €12.50 for the first class. Each additional class costs €10.
EMMA Finland – season 2024, 7th round
Register here: http://emmafinland.com/ilmoittautumiskaavake/ Registration time ends 10.8.2024.
Registration on the competition day opens at 9.00. Please note that all competitors must be at the registration before 10.00.
Registered competitors:

You can register via: Registration
Participation in the EMMA competitions costs €12.50 for the first class. Each additional class costs €10.
EMMA Finland – season 2024, Finnish finals
Finaalit uusissa puitteissa Lahden Messukeskuksessa.
Lisätietoja finaalipaikasta_: https://lahdenmessut.fi/
Finaaleihin ilmottautuneet:

On Sunday, October 27th, the EMMA Benelux Finals will take place! This is the event where we compete for the title of champion of the Netherlands or Belgium in the various categories that EMMA offers. If you have competed earlier this year, you can battle to become the champion in your class for your country and secure a spot in the European Championship, which will be held in May 2025 in Salzburg, Austria.
But don’t worry, even if you haven’t participated in our competitions this year, you are still welcome to join the event. You won’t be able to compete for the championship title, but you can still measure your skills against the champions!
**Registration is open until October 18**
so sign up quickly to make this a fantastic event!**Participation costs:
– €12.50 for the first class
– €10 for each additional class
This can be paid in cash or by card at the back office