Welcome to the international EMMA Event Calendar

International Head Judge Seminar 2019 @ Messe Salzburg
Mar 20 – Mar 21 all-day

The next international head Judge Seminar will March 20/21, 2019 and is a two days educational session on the Rulebook and CD 2018/19. The participants will be educated to become official international EMMA Head Judges or to be updated from regular EMMA Judge. The registration of participants must be confirmed by the official National EMMA affiliate. The Location is the Salzburg Fair (Messezentrum) where also the Eurofinals will take place March 21- 24. The beginning of the Training lessons is daily 9°° and will end at about 18°°

The training fee is 199,00 € and includes:

2x  times Lunch
CD/Rulebook in englisch
according Judgebooks
1 EMMA Shirt
1 Dinner on March 21 for the certificate ceremony

Main themes of the Training

Rulebook and CD 2018/19
Practical training for all Head Judges

European Carmedia Championships 2018 @ Automesse Salzburg
Mar 21 – Mar 24 all-day

EMMA Eurofinals 2018 – taking place togehter with:






Salzburg, UNESCO World Heritage, birthplace of Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, melting pot for northern, southern and eastern European culture, host of the Austria’s prominent Motor Show becomes venue for the 18th edition of the EMMA Eurofinals. To the EMMA Community, that means numerous cultural monuments and events and on the Salzburg fairground: thousands of square feet exhibition space filled up with exclusive cars and automotive life style; ultimatevely exciting, inspiring and informative. At this venue, the great challenge for the international EMMA Community will take place from March 21 to 24.

IMPORTANT: Competitors which are not able to join the Eurofinals please send your cancelation to office@emmanet.com until March 3. Competitors which are missing without any excuse are going to be banned for the next Eurofinals.

The arrival and registration of the participants will begin on Thursday, March 21 at 14:00 and ends at 19:00. The registration desk will be in Hall 10. The gate to drive into hall 10 is Gate 10 F.

We like to inform you that this year the entrance for the competition cars to Hall 10 and the Arena will be a bit different from the other years. It is necessary, that all competitors will have done the registration at the entrance and put the documents they will get there behind the windshield.

All cars have to be parked behind hall 10 or at some parking places behind the halls. The competitor who are parking their cars at the escape routes will not get entry to the hall or the arena.

Between the Salzburg Arena and Hall 10 you will find a Water Hose for final cleaning of your vehicle.

Please make sure your registration sticker is placed in the front window. The cars will be sorted and placed by the advice of the EMMA Team. An EMMA official will guide you to the designated place. ESPL/ESQL and Racing competitors are going to be placed in the Arena. The registration fee for all categories will be 80,00 Euro. The participation fee has to be paid cash at the registration desk before entering the Hall. Additional starts will cost an extra fee of 20,00 Euro per class. The registration contains one ticket for the EMMA Party. Additional Party Tickets can be bought at the EMMA Desk for a price of 15 Euro at latest Saturday morning till 12°°. Please note that all cars must be inside the hall on Thursday March 21 at latest 19°°pm.
A competitors briefing and introduction of the judging team will take place on Friday morning 9:30 at the main stage in the Salzburg Arena. The judging procedure will start at 10°°am and it will end 19°°pm in the evening. All categories will start according to the plan which is displayed at the Front Desk in Hall 10. In categories with more than 12 cars attending the SQ judgement could be split into two days (Fri/Sat).
All SQ cars will be judged with the single seat judging system. The judges will verify the sound quality only from the driver seat. No scores will be shown to the competitor. The final result will be the average of the scores.

Competitors’ that are not using official CD/DVD and where the installation does not provide a USB interface for plugging in the EMMA Media for the judging process, the competitor must announce this at their registration so this can be documented onto their score sheet. He must load the data to his storage device under the observation of EMMA. EMMA will offer a location, a time slot and USB-stick /CD with the EMMA Media for that after registration. All other necessary components must be brought by the competitor. EMMA may keep the storage device until judging process is finished. EMMA shall not be liable for loss or

ESPL & ESQL competition will take place on Friday & Saturday. A detailed timetable will be displayed at the backoffice. Please also take care about announcements at the stage. Measurements will take place in front of the Stage in the Arena.
On Sunday at 11°° the best two of the first ESPL round will compete against each other in front of the stage. The ceremony will start around 16°°pm .
The Tracks used for the measurement procedure are
• First Round: Track 17
• Final Round: Track 19

Important information about Noise-Level
Please note, that we have to take care about the regulations of the exhibition and that we are in charge of the health of visitors and other exhibitors as well as of employees of the exhibition and also the EMMA Team.

Hall 10: No noise at all – No demonstration with open doors is allowed. Moderate background music is ok.

Arena: No noise at all –
During the official Measurement of course it is ok. On designated time windows playing loud music will be allowed. All participants in the Salzburg Arena must give their car keys to the back office before 18:30 on Saturday evening. No music playing is allowed during the EMMA Party.

Official competition Timetable:
• Friday: All SQ classes, Multi Media, EMMA Racing, ESPL/ESQL
• Saturday: All SQ classes, Multi Media, EMMA Racing, ESPL/ESQL
• Sunday: ESPL Final, 16°°pm Award Ceremony at the main stage in the Arena

The Area overview
The SQ Competitors are in Hall 10
The ESPL/ESQL/Racing Competitors are in the Arena
The back office is at a desk between Hall 10 and the Arena

Area Plan:

Links & Information:

Hotel recommendations pdf

For more usefull information please visit

EMMA Argentina Judge Training
Jun 29 – Jun 30 all-day

We invite all those who are passionate about car audio, installers and individuals, to be part of the family of EMMA Argentina!

Do you want to know what is the job of a judge of sound competitions? What’s the evaluation criteria? How to perform an installation according to an international regulation? Do you want to be part of the EMMA Argentina Staff? Then this is your chance!

Attendees will be instructed in theoretical and practical ways how to design, install, adjust and evaluate a sound system, in all EMMA competition segments:

SQ (Sound Quality)
ESPL (Sound Pressure)
ESQL (Open Show)
EMMA Racing (Tuning + SPL + SQ)

The training consists of a theoretical part, where the concepts covered by each branch of the competences will be explained, and a practical part, which will be carried out on vehicles oriented to each specialty.

All members will receive a certificate of compliance and assistance, whose names will be published on the EMMA Argentina website and also EMMA Global. If you are an installer, it is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are able to install and set up a car for an international event!

Dictated by: Francesco Richichi (International Judge EMMA Italy), German Schulmeister (International Judge EMMA Argentina)

The cost of the seminar is $ 5500.

Includes: Theoretical material, book of notes, official EMMA regulation. (CD / Pen drive for new Judges), breakfast, lunch. Certificate of compliance and assistance.





Invitamos a todos los Apasionados por el car audio, instaladores y particulares, a ser parte de la familia de EMMA Argentina!

Querés saber cual es la labor de un juez de competencias de sonido? Cuales son los criterios de evaluación? Como realizar una instalación conforme a un reglamento internacional? Querés ser parte del Staff de EMMA Argentina? Entonces esta es tu oportunidad!

Los asistentes serán instruidos en forma teórica y práctica en como diseñar, instalar, ajustar y evaluar un sistema de sonido, en todos los segmentos de competencia EMMA:

SQ (Calidad de Sonido)
ESPL (Presión Sonora)
ESQL (Open Show)
EMMA Racing (Tuning + SPL + SQ)

El entrenamiento consta de una parte teórica, donde se explicaran los conceptos que abarca cada rama de las competencias, y una parte práctica, que se realizará sobre vehículos orientados a cada especialidad.

Todos los integrantes recibirán un certificado de conformidad y asistencia, cuyos nombres serán publicados en el sitio web de EMMA Argentina y también de EMMA Global. Si sos instalador, es una oportunidad de demostrar que estás en condiciones de instalar y poner a punto un auto para un certamen internacional!

Dictado por: Francesco Richichi (Juez Internacional EMMA Italia), German Schulmeister (Juez Internacional EMMA Argentina)

El costo del seminario es de $5500.

Incluye: Material teórico, libro de apuntes, reglamento oficial EMMA. (CD/Pen drive para los nuevos Jueces), desayuno, almuerzo. Certificado de conformidad y asistencia.


1er Salón Argentino de Car Audio – EMMA Argentina @ Centro de Exposiciones Miguelete
Oct 20 @ 10:00 – 19:00


On october 20th, EMMA Argentina will celebrate it´s official first competition event.


The local team of recently trained judges, plus the international Judge German Schulmeister will be supported by EMMA Italy`s Francesco Richichi, and also EMMA Mexico´s judges Antonio Agüero, Cristophe Bedel, Germán García and Arturo Silva. It´s been almost 20 years since they last had an international sound quality event, so it´s going to be a very special date. It will also be the first time an event has brought such an intenational judgeteam.

Competitors are not only locals, there will also travel from nearby countries which aren`t affiliated to EMMA yet, such as Chile, Uruguay and Perú.

Competition will take place inside the Centro Miguelete exhibition center, which also, for the first time in Argentina, will be celebrating the first international car audio show, featuring booths of the main brands of the trade, plus many other attractives, so attendants will enjoy a day full of fun.

There will also be a big giveaway for attendees, featuring a full sound system courtesy of EMMA Argentina Sponsors



International Head Judge Seminar 2021 @ Messe Salzburg
Apr 25 – Apr 27 all-day

The next international head Judge Seminar will be in April 25-27 and is planned as a three days educational session on the Rulebook and Media sources of EMMAS Version 2022. The participants will be educated to become official international EMMA Head Judges. The registration of participants must be confirmed by the official National EMMA affiliate. The Location is the Salzburg Fair (Messezentrum) where also the Eurofinals will take place April 28 to April 30. The beginning of the Training lessons is daily 9°° and will end at about 18°°

The training fee is 249,00 € and includes:

3x  times Lunch
USB Media/Rulebook in englisch

1 EMMA Shirt
1 Dinner on April 28 for the certificate ceremony

To subscribe >> click here

European Carmedia Championships @ Customized Salzburg
Apr 27 – Apr 30 all-day

EMMA Eurofinals schedule and Info

The arrival and registration of the participants will begin on Wednesday, April 27 at 14:00 and ends at 19:00. The registration desk will be in Hall 2/6 and will close 18:45. Please park your car outside of Hall 2/6 and go to the registration desk to receive your registration sticker as well as tickets for entrance and parking.

Please make sure your registration sticker is placed in the front window. The cars will be organized and placed under supervision of the EMMA team. An EMMA official will guide you to the designated place. ESPL/ESQL and Tuning competitors are going to be placed in Hall 1. The registration fee for all categories is € 80,00 Euro. Additional starts cost an extra fee of € 20,00 Euro per class.

The registration contains two tickets for the EMMA “Get together”, Friday evening 18:00 within the Halls 2/6. Additional Tickets can be bought at the EMMA Front Office for a price of 15,00 Euro at latest on Friday 12:00.

These Eurofinals are still the Eurofinals from 2019 and the 2018 Rulebook and Music Material will be used. The use of High Res Version is limited to the Expert Categories.

Please note that all cars must be inside on Wednesday, April 27 at latest 19:00.

A competitor´s briefing and introduction of the judging team will take place on Thursday, April 28 at 9:00 at the main stage in Hall 1. The judging procedure on Thursday will start at 10:00 in the morning and will end at 18:00 in the evening.

The EMMA Eurofinals are powered by


Sound Quality competition (SQ and MM)

All categories will start according to the plan which is displayed at the front office Hall 2. In categories with more than 15 cars attending the SQ, the class will be split in 2 and each part will be judged on SQ by 2 different SQ judge teams (Install will be done by one team for the whole class). The best 4 of each part will be judged again to determine the final result.

All SQ cars will be judged with the single seat judging system. The judges will verify the sound quality only from the driver seat. No scores will be shown to the competitor. The final result will be the average of the scores.

ESPL, ESQL and Tuning competition

The Installation judgement will be on Thursday, the measurements will be Friday & Saturday (Final). Please also listen carefully to all announcements at the stage. Measurements will take place in front of the stage in Hall 1. On Saturday at 10:00 the best two of the first ESPL round will compete against each other in front of the stage. The ceremony will start around 16:00.

The Tracks used for the measurement procedure are

First Round: Track 17
Final Round: Track 19

CarMediaWorld Exhibition, April 28-30


The new CarMediaWorld will be embedded into a trade fair apart from the Automesse. “Customized” is new format of exhibition showing all factettes of Motorsports, High End Tuning and customizing. The new location within the trade fair area in Salzburg will be the Halls 2/6 for Exhibitors and SQ competition vehicles and Hall 2/5 for the ESPL and lifestyle cars as well as the main stage.

Thursday April 28 trade visitors’ day. Only invited guests

Friday, Saturday public days together with Customized show

Official Partner of the CarMediaWorld Salzburg Audiotec Fischer


Download the full Information as pdf  >>> 2022 Competitor General Procedures and Timetable

EMMA USA @ The Vinny 22
Jun 12 @ 09:00 – 18:00
EMMA USA @ Concord Car Stereo
Jun 26 @ 08:30 – 18:00
EMMA USA @ Mobile Toys Inc Aggieland
Aug 6 @ 14:00 – Aug 7 @ 18:00
EMMA USA @ Kenneth E. Cowan Civic Center
Oct 8 – Oct 9 all-day

USA EMMA Finals in conjunction with IASCA and MECA

International Head Judge Seminar 2023 @ Messe Salzburg
Apr 18 – Apr 19 all-day

The next international head Judge Seminar will be in April 18/19 and is planned as a two days educational session on the Rulebook and Media sources of EMMAS Version 2022. The participants will be educated to become official international EMMA Head Judges. The registration of participants must be confirmed by the official National EMMA affiliate. The Location is the Salzburg Fair (Messezentrum) where also the Eurofinals will take place April 20 to April 22. The beginning of the Training lessons is daily 9°° and will end at about 18°°

The training includes:

2x  times Lunch
USB Media/Rulebook in englisch

1 EMMA Shirt
1 Dinner on April 19 for the certificate ceremony

The registration is open on Tuesday, April 18 at 9°° – 10°° at the Back Office above Hall 1. All participants must register before they are allowed to attend the training. The payment of 249.- Euro must be done in cash as we have no opportunity for other payments. After signing up you will be guided through the further procedures.

10°° all participants will meet at the conference room No 15. The training day will end at about 18°°

The training Day Wednesday starts at 9°° at the Conference Room No 15.

On Wednesday, April 19 there will be a Dinner for all participants including the Certificate Ceremony starting at 19°° in the Restaurant on the ground level Hall 1. All further Information will be given to you by the trainers during the training lessons.

European Carmedia Championships @ Customized Salzburg
Apr 20 – Apr 22 all-day

EMMA Eurofinals schedule and Info

The arrival and registration of the participants will begin on Wednesday, April 19 at 14:00 and ends at 18:00. The registration desk will be in Hall 2/6 and will close 18:15. Please park your car outside of Hall 2/6 and go to the registration desk to receive your registration sticker as well as tickets for entrance and parking. Parts of Hall 2/6 and 3/5 will be reserved for the SQ competitors.

Please make sure your registration sticker is placed in the front window. The cars will be organized and placed under supervision of the EMMA team. An EMMA official will guide you to the designated place. ESPL/ESQL and Tuning competitors are going to be placed in Hall 1.

The registration contains two tickets for the EMMA “Get together”, Friday evening 19:00 at Hall 1.

Please note that all cars must be inside on Wednesday, April 19 at latest 19:00.

A competitor´s briefing and introduction of the judging team will take place on Thursday, April 20 at 9:00 at the main stage in Hall 1. The judging procedure on Thursday will start at 10:00 in the morning and will end at 18:00 in the evening.

The EMMA Eurofinals are powered by


Sound Quality competition (SQ and MM)

All categories will start according to the plan which is displayed at the front office Hall 2. In categories with more than 15 cars attending the SQ, the class will be split in 2 and each part will be judged on SQ by 2 different SQ judge teams (Install will be done by one team for the whole class). The best 4 of each part will be judged again to determine the final result.

All SQ cars will be judged with the single seat judging system. The judges will verify the sound quality only from the driver seat. No scores will be shown to the competitor. The final result will be the average of the scores.

ESPL, ESQL and Tuning competition

The Installation judgement will be on Thursday, the measurements will be Friday & Saturday (Final). Please also listen carefully to all announcements at the stage. Measurements will take place in front of the stage in Hall 1. On Saturday at 10:00 the best two of the first ESPL round will compete against each other in front of the stage. The ceremony will start around 17:00.

The Tracks used for the measurement are:

Round 1: Track 16
Final Round: Track 15

CarMediaWorld Exhibition, April 20-22


The CarMediaWorld will be again embedded into the “Customized” . The  location within the trade fair area in Salzburg will be the Halls 2/6 for Exhibitors and SQ competition vehicles as well as Hall 3/5.  For the ESPL and lifestyle cars as well as the main stage Hall 1 is the place to be.

There are no longer travel restrictions into and inside the EU as well as no Covid restrictions during the exhibition days.

The opening hours are:


  • Thursday, April 20          10°° – 18°° only for trade visitors, invited guests and competitors
  • Friday, April 21               10°° – 19°° open for public, afterwards only for invited guests

19°° – 24°° EMMA Party in Hall 1 only for invited guests

  • Saturday, April 22          10°° – 20°°, EMMA Eurofinals, Award Ceremony 17°°


  • Friday, April 21               16°° – 21°°
  • Saturday, April 22          10°° – 21°°

Further info about the Customized Show can be found at: https://www.customized-salzburg.at/en/

Official Partner of the CarMediaWorld Salzburg Audiotec Fischer


EMMA USA Nationals @ Jefferson Convention Center
Oct 13 – Oct 15 all-day
EMMA USA Nationals @ Jefferson Convention Center | Birmingham | Alabama | United States

USA EMMA Finals in conjunction with IASCA and MECA

International Head Judge Seminar 2024 @ Messe Salzburg
Apr 16 – Apr 17 all-day

The next international head Judge Seminar will be in April 16/17 and is planned as a two days educational session on the Rulebook and Media sources of EMMA Version 2024. The participants will be educated to become official international EMMA Head Judges. The registration of participants must be confirmed by the official National EMMA affiliate. The Location is the Salzburg Fair (Messezentrum) where also the Eurofinals will take place April 18 to April 20. The beginning of the Training lessons is daily 9°° and will end at about 18°°

The training includes:

2x  times Lunch
USB Media

1 EMMA Shirt
1 Dinner on April 17 for the certificate ceremony

registration closed

10°° all participants will meet at the conference room No 15. The training day will end at about 18°°

The training Day Wednesday starts at 9°° at the Conference Room No 15.

On Wednesday, April 17  there will be a Dinner for all participants including the Certificate Ceremony starting at 19°° in the Restaurant on the ground level Hall 1. All further Information will be given to you by the trainers during the training lessons.

European Carmedia Championships @ Customized Salzburg
Apr 18 – Apr 20 all-day

EMMA Eurofinals schedule and Info

The arrival and registration of the participants will begin on Wednesday, April 17 at 14:00 and ends at 18:00. The registration desk will be in Hall 2/6 and will close 18:15. Please park your car outside of Hall 2/6 and go to the registration desk to receive your registration sticker as well as tickets for entrance and parking. Parts of Hall 2/6 and 10 will be reserved for the SQ competitors.

Please make sure your registration sticker is placed in the front window. The cars will be organized and placed under supervision of the EMMA team. An EMMA official will guide you to the designated place. ESPL/ESQL and Tuning competitors are going to be placed in Hall 1.

The registration contains two tickets for the EMMA “Get together”, Friday evening 19:00 at Hall 1.

Please note that all cars must be inside on Wednesday, April 17 at latest 19:00.

A competitor´s briefing and introduction of the judging team will take place on Thursday, April 18 at 9:00 at the main stage in Hall 1. The judging procedure on Thursday will start at 10:00 in the morning and will end at 18:00 in the evening.

The EMMA Eurofinals are powered by


Sound Quality competition (SQ and MM)

All categories will start according to the plan which is displayed at the front office Hall 2. In categories with more than 15 cars attending the SQ, the class will be split in 2 and each part will be judged on SQ by 2 different SQ judge teams (Install will be done by one team for the whole class). The best 4 of each part will be judged again to determine the final result.

All SQ cars will be judged with the single seat judging system. The judges will verify the sound quality only from the driver seat. No scores will be shown to the competitor. The final result will be the average of the scores.

ESPL, ESQL and Tuning competition

The Installation judgement will be on Thursday, the measurements will be Friday & Saturday (Final). Please also listen carefully to all announcements at the stage. Measurements will take place in front of the stage in Hall 1. On Saturday at 10:00 the best two of the first ESPL round will compete against each other in front of the stage. The ceremony will start around 16:00.

The Tracks used for the measurement are:

First Round: Track 16
Final Round: Track 15

CarMediaWorld Exhibition, April 18-20


The CarMediaWorld will be again embedded into the “Customized” . The  location within the trade fair area in Salzburg will be the Halls 2/6 for Exhibitors and SQ competition vehicles as well as parts of Hall 10.  For the ESPL and lifestyle cars as well as the main stage Hall 1 is the place to be.

The official opening hours are:


  • Thursday, April 18          10°° – 19°° only for trade visitors, invited guests and competitors
  • Friday, April 19               10°° – 19°° open for public, afterwards only for invited guests

19°° – 24°° EMMA Party in Hall 1 only for invited guests

  • Saturday, April 20          10°° – 19°°, EMMA Eurofinals, Award Ceremony 16°°


  • Friday, April 19               10°° – 19°°
  • Saturday, April 20          10°° – 19°°

Further info about the Customized Show can be found at: https://www.customized-salzburg.at

Official Partner of the CarMediaWorld Salzburg Audiotec Fischer