Russian Finals in Volgograd

The final meeting of the Russian Championship was held from 8th-9th September in Volgograd. Top class sound cars from the Ural Region, from South and Central Russia as well as from Ukraine met to determine the winners of this season. Unfortunately, because of the great distances in this huge the country and the road quality of, the competitors from Siberia and the Far East were not able to attend this event. However, in the pavilion and outdoor area Volgograd Expo gathered 78 cars. (cymbalta) Almost every competitor arrived very well prepared so it was no surprise that sometimes it was only half a point which made the difference between champion and vice champion. In such conditions, the judges had to bear a huge burden, so the organizing team invited the best judges from EMMA Russia, as well as Head Judges from EMMA Europe, such as EMMA ESPL judge Ronald van Looij from Holland. And after two days of nervous tension, disputes with judges on assessments, frustrations and hopes, the winners were declared! As a result, the best are: Best of Sound 2012 – Victor Shkendel, company Car Stereo, Team Pioneer, Mr. Stavropol Best of Multimedia 2012 – Dmitry Chepurnyak, the company Faborus, Sochi Bets of ESPL 2012 – Andrew Belih, Company D Style Audio, Team Sondown Russia, Moscow with a score of 153.8 dB. We heartily congratulate the winners. Those who have not won trophies this year: Please note that there is a new season waiting for you and your artworks on four wheels!In conclusion, EMMA Russia thanks all those who joined them this this season: the participants and judges, who drove thousands of miles across Russia, the organizers of the stages, resources, and most importantly those who made the events and the stay of all attendants so pleasant.

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