Stage 4 of EMMA Asia Finals in Malaysia

1379394_537472982996826_1291565258_nEMMA Malaysia has joined the EMMA Asia Finals for the first time in 2013. On Saturday October 26 the EMMA Asia Final judging team was flying to Malaysia to help the judges doing the Malaysian finals. After this the international Judges continued with the Asia Finals Stage on Sunday, judging the cars from Malaysia and also the cars which drove up from Singapore.

On this special weekend, EMMA Malaysia organized not only the competition, also many others activities such as SQ Club and cycling rides took part. Cittta Mall in Damasara, a satellite city of Kuala Lumpur was much more crowded than usual as a lot of people came to support and see this event.

On behalf of all concern we would like to say thank you to the EMMA Asia Final Sponsors for their support and extended thanks for those who came in person on this occasion leading by Mr.Carsten Roth from Ground Zero, Mr. Antoin from Tchernov Cable and Mr. Christian Jordan from Vibe Audio.

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