Sunny Kick Off in Germany

Like in the past years EMMA Germany started its season at Wolfgang Fischer’s BS CarHifi Install Bay in Southern Germany. The sunny Saturday started with the registration of all competitors and had a remarkable signup when a Harley Davidson was on the list for SQ. The BS Team girls were baking cakes, cooking coffee and taking perfect care of the guests. Also a smoker was arranged to barbeque steaks and saussages. After the weather was very bad during the week the Saturday was surprisingly sunny with temperatures around 22° Celsius. As this Kick Off has been taking place at BS since five years most participants know each other, so it became more a family meeting than a competition. The over 50 competitors were judged very fast so the ceremony could start at 4:30 – even before sceduled. The longest trip was made by Ivan Mundjar from Croatia who also won in the S-Unlimited Class. A cool start into 2017. Thanks to the BS Team.

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