The best High End Subwoofer is made by GZ

GZreference250-2GZ Reference Subwoofer awarded with the European In-Car-High-End award!

Ground Zero´s 20-years history is closely linked with subwoofers in various categories, however the recent years have shown that today, GZ Sound Quality products are among the best in their fields as well. And so it was GZ´s duty of honour to “create” the best SQ Subwoofer ever built, when the development of the GZPW Reference 250 started. More than 3 years later, GZ is proud having that Subwoofer brought to the market and finally it will be medalled by the highest European Press committee “EISA” with the “European In-Car- High-End ward 2015/2016!

The EISA Jury describes the GZPW Reference 250 in their official citation as follows:

“Science and art combine to impressive effect in Ground Zero’s GZPW Reference 250 subwoofer. Avoiding flashy design tricks and exotic features, this 10!inch sub completes the brand’s line of uncompromising high!end automotive components. An extremely well thought!out combination of carefully designed and meticulously handcrafted parts, the GZPW Reference 250 marries the best available materials with superb build quality. With its extremely low level of distortion, the GZPW Reference 250’s clean and powerful bass provides the perfect compliment to any high!end front speaker system.”
