The Weekend of Superlatives!

The CarMediaWorld Salzburg and the EMMA Eurofinals again turned out as “The event of the Year”. All activities around the third weekend in March showed significant increases. More competitors, more exhibitors and a party with almost 900 guests are the new benchmarks. One of the major issues were the introduction and integration of the new American partners into the EMMA networ, which worked out brilliantly. Mexico, Argentina and Peru are on the way now after receiving a deep inside view into the EMMA Network and having the chance to collected many ideas for their organizations. Also, the event itself was working very well in within the time schedule. Almost 230 participants were judged by a team of more than 40 judges from 16 Nations – first time with judges from the USA and Mexico. The most heard comment on the exhibitor’s side was “The CarMediaWorld made a big improvement”. With the return of Pioneer and the new exhibitors, Dragster, Vibrofiltr, Zapco, ESB, ETON and Dynavin the portfolio was even broader than in the previous years. Moreover, additional pro installers from Germany, Austria and the other countries around came to visit. The comments about the business done in Salzburg were almost 100% positive. There are already some further requests from companies for the next edition.

The ultimate bombshell was the party on Saturday. 900 guests from more than 60 Nations enjoyed a great evening in the Salzburg Arena. The new hall setup was a prefect improvement as the guests had the choice between dancing in front of the stage or talking in a convenient atmosphere. The band “Tequila” played a wide portfolio of Pop and Rock Music. During the pauses some of the exhibitors and competitors’ cars were allowed to show off their amazing sound systems. It is already a tradition that the food during the party is provided by the competition teams – prepared and served with great passion. The teams from Russia, Germany and Italy already started preparing in the morning and what is most remarkable: they could manage to feed all guests within about 1 hour. To experience a party with so many different nations celebrating together without any trouble is a great proof that the entire EMMA Network is a society far away from people’s daily reality.

On Sunday the ceremony started at exactly 16°° with the acknowledgement of the back office led by Angel Delnoij from the Netherlands, followed up by the presentation of the complete Judge-Team of this event. The excitement increased when the award ceremony started. In ESPL Finland played the leading role, for SQ and MM it was the well-known fight between the Teams form Russia, Italy and Germany who received most of the Trophies. All over it will be hard to organize this event in a better way. This is why a great THANKS goes to all the people in the background taking care and makint sure  that everything is working well.

Nations Ranking

PlaceCountry1. Place2. Place3. PlaceMedals
8UK 07411

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